
(2018/11/8 05:00)


  • 磁性流体







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Thermo-electric modules, ferrofluids, and DCB substrates: These are the three arrows with which we will attack the automobile market.

Ferrotec has launched a project to construct a second core business area after semiconductors.

Ferrotec Holdings has ridden the semiconductor wave and is closing in on a system of 100 billion yen in sales. The company, which has made a position for itself as a global enterprise, is now focusing on the automobile industry that is advancing at a dizzying pace. We are aiming for strong business growth while continuing to utilize the driving force of the active semiconductor market.

Closing in on a system of 100 billion yen in sales

Based on the strong performance of the semiconductor industry, the company is aiming for sales of 98 billion yen and an operating profit margin of 10% in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019. Growth has been particularly strong in business related to semiconductor and other equipment, including quartz and ceramic consumables for semiconductor manufacturing equipment and the global top share of vacuum seals. This business accounts for approximately 60% of sales. The ferrofluids and thermo-electric modules which are among the company’s core products, and the electronic devices business including power semiconductor substrates, account for approximately 13% of company sales. However this is a high-profit segment due to expanding automobile production and other factors, and will be driver of growth in the medium and long-term future.

In 2017, we invested approximately 10 billion yen in plants in China. We installed equipment for medium-size 8-inch (200 mm) diameter wafers, and began production in Shanghai in July. Although the company is also involved in small-size wafers of 6 inches and smaller, in order to create a production and sales system for 8-inch wafers, it constructed a dedicated crystal pulling plant adjacent to its Yinchuan Plant (Yinchuan City) in China. In addition to the current plant in Shanghai, it is also constructing a wafer pulling process in Hangzhou, aiming to create a system for monthly production of 450,000 wafers by the end of 2020. The company also entered the parts cleaning business in Shanghai, China in 2001. It is operating as a local business in China, and has captured a 50 – 60% share of the China market. At present it operates a 4-site system in Shanghai, Tianjin, Sichuan, and Dalian, and is constructing new plant in Anhui Province that will be its 5th site (scheduled to begin operating in FY 2018). The annual sales of around 2.5 billion yen (year ending March 31, 2018) are expected to double within 2 – 3 years.

Launch of the Automobile Project

The company launched the Automobile Project in January 2018 with the target of increasing sales of automotive products from 5 billion yen by a factor of 4 to 20 billion yen within 3 – 4 years. The project members number approximately 30 person from the Sales and Marketing Divisions, and have formed a global organization spanning China, Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States, and Germany.

In addition to EV (electric vehicles), the automobile industry has seen the appearance of vehicles equipped with new technologies such as PHV (plug-in hybrid vehicles) and ADAS (advanced driver assistance systems), and large changes in the market are expected. With the expansion of EVs, the company is implementing a policy for introducing its own on-board products. According to an investigation by Fuji Keizai, the EV market, including PHV that are equipped with both electric motors and gasoline engines, is forecast to grow to more than 10 million vehicles by 2035. In addition to the UK and France, China is also promoting the introduction of new energy vehicles (NEV), and is moving to restrict gasoline engine vehicles.

The core of this project consists of 3 products: thermo-electric modules, ferrofluids, and power semiconductor DCB substrates. Thermo-electric modules are used in home appliances such as air conditioners and hair dryers, as well as in the temperature-controlled seats of luxury automobiles. There is potential for their expanded use in battery cooling and cooling of light sources, such as in heads-up displays and laser radar.

Ferrofluids are another essential product that is used for heat dissipation in speaker coils, and for control of touch panels and other touch-sensitive devices. These are functional materials that are magnetized by an outside magnetic field, and are drawn towards a magnet. In the future we are aiming to introduce new applications for magnetic fields in automobiles including suspension utilizing a new ferrofluid with greatly increased viscosity for vibration control, and high-precision DC current measurement sensors using magnetic core materials.

Power semiconductor DCB substrates are electronic components created by directly bonding a copper plate to a substrate of alumina, aluminum nitride, or other ceramic, and then creating a copper circuit. They are expected to be used in applications such as body and engine components for control of headlamps and interior lamps.

Strengthening the training system

Another recent business trend is ESG investment focusing on companies that are working in the environment, social, and governance fields. In addition to financial information, Ferrotec Holdings has taken an active approach to disclosing non-financial information related to ESG. Beginning from this fiscal year, the company has created a monthly opportunity for communication between President Akira Yamamura and Group employees who are within the first 5 years after being hired. In this and many other ways, there is no end to new endeavors at the company, backed by its unique open corporate culture. The company expects that personnel capable of overseas negotiations will be needed in the future, and Takeru Yamamura, Vice President in charge of administration, has established a policy of focusing on support for younger and mid-level employees. The company is also preparing to begin full-scale English language training.

“We want to carry out a personnel training program that will make us an appealing company to work for.” (Vice President Takeru Yamamura)

As the world promotes “connected industries” where people, machines, and technologies connect across national boundaries, our company will accelerate its steady growth both in Japan and overseas.

(2018/11/8 05:00)


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